

Velero has a plugin architecture that allows users to add their own custom functionality to Velero backups & restores without having to modify/recompile the core Velero binary. To add custom functionality, users simply create their own binary containing implementations of Velero’s plugin kinds (described below), plus a small amount of boilerplate code to expose the plugin implementations to Velero. This binary is added to a container image that serves as an init container for the Velero server pod and copies the binary into a shared emptyDir volume for the Velero server to access.

Multiple plugins, of any type, can be implemented in this binary.

A fully-functional sample plugin repository is provided to serve as a convenient starting point for plugin authors.

Plugin Naming

A plugin is identified by a prefix + name.

Note: Please don’t use as the prefix for a plugin not supported by the Velero team. The prefix should help users identify the entity developing the plugin, so please use a prefix that identify yourself.

Whenever you define a Backup Storage Location or Volume Snapshot Location, this full name will be the value for the provider specification.

For example:

kind: BackupStorageLocation
kind: VolumeSnapshotLocation

When naming your plugin, keep in mind that the full name needs to conform to these rules:

  • have two parts, prefix + name, separated by ‘/’
  • none of the above parts can be empty
  • the prefix is a valid DNS subdomain name
  • a plugin with the same prefix + name cannot not already exist

Some examples:


You will need to give your plugin(s) the full name when registering them by calling the appropriate RegisterX function:

Plugin Kinds

Velero supports the following kinds of plugins:

  • Object Store - persists and retrieves backups, backup logs and restore logs
  • Volume Snapshotter - creates volume snapshots (during backup) and restores volumes from snapshots (during restore)
  • Backup Item Action - executes arbitrary logic for individual items prior to storing them in a backup file
  • Restore Item Action - executes arbitrary logic for individual items prior to restoring them into a cluster
  • Delete Item Action - executes arbitrary logic based on individual items within a backup prior to deleting the backup

Plugin binaries are discovered by recursively reading a directory in no particular order. Hence no guarantee is provided for the order in which item action plugins are invoked. However, if a single binary implements multiple item action plugins, they may be invoked in the order in which they are registered but it is best to not depend on this implementation. This is not guaranteed officially and the implementation can change at any time.

Plugin Logging

Velero provides a logger that can be used by plugins to log structured information to the main Velero server log or per-backup/restore logs. It also passes a --log-level flag to each plugin binary, whose value is the value of the same flag from the main Velero process. This means that if you turn on debug logging for the Velero server via --log-level=debug, plugins will also emit debug-level logs. See the sample repository for an example of how to use the logger within your plugin.

Plugin Configuration

Velero uses a ConfigMap-based convention for providing configuration to plugins. If your plugin needs to be configured at runtime, define a ConfigMap like the following:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  # any name can be used; Velero uses the labels (below)
  # to identify it rather than the name
  name: my-plugin-config

  # must be in the namespace where the velero deployment
  # is running
  namespace: velero

    # this value-less label identifies the ConfigMap as
    # config for a plugin (the built-in change storageclass
    # restore item action plugin) ""

    # add a label whose key corresponds to the fully-qualified
    # plugin name (for example, and whose
    # value is the plugin type (BackupItemAction, RestoreItemAction,
    # ObjectStore, or VolumeSnapshotter)
    <fully-qualified-plugin-name>: <plugin-type>

  # add your configuration data here as key-value pairs

Then, in your plugin’s implementation, you can read this ConfigMap to fetch the necessary configuration.

Feature Flags

Velero will pass any known features flags as a comma-separated list of strings to the --features argument.

Once parsed into a []string, the features can then be registered using the NewFeatureFlagSet function and queried with features.Enabled(<featureName>).

Environment Variables

Velero adds the LD_LIBRARY_PATH into the list of environment variables to provide the convenience for plugins that requires C libraries/extensions in the runtime.

Getting Started

To help you get started, see the documentation.